Water Treatments
Weco Pond-Clear is a safe, simple solution to keeping your fish pool water clean, clear, and beautiful. Completely safe for all fish and plants, Pond-Clear will return your backyard pond to its original lustre.
- Keeps fish pool clear and beautiful
- Absolutely harmless to fish and plants
- Permits spawning and raising of young fishes
Dosage: Use 1 lb Pond-Clear for every 40 gallons of water, or
- 5 lbs - 4' x 6' x 1.25' Deep
- 10 lbs - 6' x 7' x 1.5' Deep
- 25 lbs - 7' x 10' x 2' Deep
Directions: Start with a clean pond, or at least remove heavy growth of undesirable or decaying plant life. Add Pond-Clear to a calm area of the pool, free of turbulence or agitation. Designed to dissolve slowly, as needed.
To avoid clouding water, put the unopened bag of Pond-Clear on the bottom of the pool, then gently cut away the sides and top of the bag. If the pool is too deep to place the bag on the bottom, submerge the unopened bag, open it and gently spill out the contents.
Under normal conditions the water will clear in about 7 to 10 days, though extreme conditions will require a little more time. Pond-Clear can also be hand-spread around a concreted perimeter surface of a pond.
Not for aquarium use. To clear water in aquariums use Weco Wonder-Shell.
To determine the gallon volume of your body of water, multiply (in average feet) length x width x depth x 7.5.
Ecological Laboratories Microbe-Lift PL for Ponds is a special formula for decorative fish ponds, lagoons and small water features. Microbe Lift Pond PL with natural beneficial bacteria will help create a cleaner environment for your pond and help promote fish growth.
- Keeps ponds clean and clear
- Reduces ammonia nitrogen levels
- Seeds and maintains biological filters
- Breaks down dead algae and gets rid of organic sludge
Reduces noxious odors from dead algae, fish fecal matter, and urine. Reduces hydrogen sulfide, which creates offensive odors. Reduces biological oxygen demand, buildup of bird droppings, dead leaves, and fish feed. Microbe Lift PL has photosynthetic bacteria to help maintain clear water and enhances dissolved oxygen levels. Highly effective over an array of pH levels. Sustains biological activity in water temperatures under 55°F. Refer to alternate image for Application Rates!
This is not a chemical. It is harmless to humans, animals, fish and plants. Microbe-Lift PL is the trade name of a natural bacteria found in a natural harmonious environment. Microbe-Lift PL is NOT a genetically engineered or altered bacteria.
Microbe-Lift PL will be effective in any of the following conditions: with or without light, low acidity to high acidity, with air or without air, low alkalinity to high alkalinity. It works completely effectively when used alone.
Made in the USA.
Provides a natural aquarium ecosystem, for better overall fish health and improved water quality For SALT & FRESH WATER. Reef Safe. Saltwater environments the bacteria in this product will remain effective when used in marine environments with a specific gravity of 1.017 to 1.025. In new marine tanks, add the aquarium salt mix and allow the water to circulate for 24 hours, then check and adjust the density. Add the bacteria after the water has circulated for the 24-hour period. Saltwater oceans are a highly stable environment with very little fluctuation in pH.
- Increases resistance to pathogens and parasites - see product description below for use.
- Promotes fish growth and improves dissolved oxygen levels
- Biologically supports a healthy aquarium eco-system which results in a beneficial breeding environment
- Stimulates fishs immune system
- This product is NOT a chemical. It is harmless to humans, animals, fish and plants.
The ocean waters dilute fish waste and organic matter. The bacteria in MICROBE-LIFT/TheraP provides the assistance needed to break down the decaying organic matter and cycle certain elements, e.g. carbon and nitrogen, etc. which may build up in your tank. MICROBE-LIFT/TheraP has a hydrogen sulfide odor, which will dissipate quickly. All MICROBE-LIFT bacterial products may be used together. However when using multiple MICROBE-LIFT bacterial products, reduce the dosage rate of the 2nd product by 50%. After administering the bacteria, monitor your pH. Since each bottle of MICROBE-LIFT is grown individually, color variations may exist from bottle to bottle. These variations in color are not indicative of variations in product quality. Any floating particles present are suspended biofilm which slough off the sides of the bottle. Dimpling or expansion of the container is caused by pressure differences resulting from temperature variations due to the fact that the bottle is sealed.This product is NOT a chemical. It is harmless to humans, animals, fish and plants.
TheraP for Ponds by Ecological Laboratories is specifically formulated to promote the health of your pond fish. Providing a natural eco-system for your pond this formula results in better fish health with improved water clarity.
- Supports your fishs immune system biologically and is beneficial when overpopulation exists
- Minimizes environmental stress and enhances quick fish growth
- Safe for animals in or around your pond
This product can be used with all ornamental, coldwater, temperate, cyprinids, native and wild species. Nontoxic and Nonpathogenic and is not genetically altered or engineered.
Seachem Betta Basics is formulated to create the ideal bowl environment for both your bettas and plants. It works by removing any chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia. It also buffers the water to a pH of 7.0 to provide a healthy environment for fish and plant.
- Removes Any Chlorine, Chloramine, And Ammonia
- Buffers water to a pH of 7
- Creates ideal environment both bettas and plants
Water Garden Oasis Pond Prime completely conditions your pond water, removing chlorine and chloramine, and detoxifying harmful ammonia and nitrite. This concentrated formula also helps neutralize heavy metals and stimulates your fishes' natural slime coats.
- Complete, concentrated conditioner for decorative ponds
- Removes chlorine and chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrate and nitrite
- 5X more concentrated than other pond conditioners
Pond Prime is an essential part of setting up a new pond, adding water, and water changes. It does not cause a pH drop or overactivate skimmers. Its high concentration allows it to treat much more water at once than other conditioners.
Directions: Use 1/8 cup (2 tablespoons) for each 600-700 gallons for removing chlorine or chloramine. To detoxify high concentrations of ammonia or nitrite, use 1/4 to 1/2 cup for each 600 gallons. Sulfur odor is normal. For exceptionally high chloramine concentrations, a double dose may be used safely. To detoxify nitrite in an emergency, up to 5 times normal dose may be used. If temperature is > 30°C (86°F) and chlorine or ammonia levels are low, use a half dose.
Water Garden Oasis Pond Prime completely conditions your pond water, removing chlorine and chloramine, and detoxifying harmful ammonia and nitrite. This concentrated formula also helps neutralize heavy metals and stimulates your fishes' natural slime coats.
- Complete, concentrated conditioner for decorative ponds
- Removes chlorine and chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrate and nitrite
- 5X more concentrated than other pond conditioners
Pond Prime is an essential part of setting up a new pond, adding water, and water changes. It does not cause a pH drop or overactivate skimmers. Its high concentration allows it to treat much more water at once than other conditioners.
Directions: Use 1/8 cup (2 tablespoons) for each 600-700 gallons for removing chlorine or chloramine. To detoxify high concentrations of ammonia or nitrite, use 1/4 to 1/2 cup for each 600 gallons. Sulfur odor is normal. For exceptionally high chloramine concentrations, a double dose may be used safely. To detoxify nitrite in an emergency, up to 5 times normal dose may be used. If temperature is > 30°C (86°F) and chlorine or ammonia levels are low, use a half dose.
Water Garden Oasis Pond Prime completely conditions your pond water, removing chlorine and chloramine, and detoxifying harmful ammonia and nitrite. This concentrated formula also helps neutralize heavy metals and stimulates your fishes' natural slime coats.
- Complete, concentrated conditioner for decorative ponds
- Removes chlorine and chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrate and nitrite
- 5X more concentrated than other pond conditioners
Pond Prime is an essential part of setting up a new pond, adding water, and water changes. It does not cause a pH drop or overactivate skimmers. Its high concentration allows it to treat much more water at once than other conditioners.
Directions: Use 1/8 cup (2 tablespoons) for each 600-700 gallons for removing chlorine or chloramine. To detoxify high concentrations of ammonia or nitrite, use 1/4 to 1/2 cup for each 600 gallons. Sulfur odor is normal. For exceptionally high chloramine concentrations, a double dose may be used safely. To detoxify nitrite in an emergency, up to 5 times normal dose may be used. If temperature is > 30°C (86°F) and chlorine or ammonia levels are low, use a half dose.
Water Garden Oasis Pond Prime completely conditions your pond water, removing chlorine and chloramine, and detoxifying harmful ammonia and nitrite. This concentrated formula also helps neutralize heavy metals and stimulates your fishes' natural slime coats.
- Complete, concentrated conditioner for decorative ponds
- Removes chlorine and chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrate and nitrite
- 5X more concentrated than other pond conditioners
Pond Prime is an essential part of setting up a new pond, adding water, and water changes. It does not cause a pH drop or overactivate skimmers. Its high concentration allows it to treat much more water at once than other conditioners.
Directions: Use 1/8 cup (2 tablespoons) for each 600-700 gallons for removing chlorine or chloramine. To detoxify high concentrations of ammonia or nitrite, use 1/4 to 1/2 cup for each 600 gallons. Sulfur odor is normal. For exceptionally high chloramine concentrations, a double dose may be used safely. To detoxify nitrite in an emergency, up to 5 times normal dose may be used. If temperature is > 30°C (86°F) and chlorine or ammonia levels are low, use a half dose.
Flourite Red Aquarium Substrate is a specially fracted stable porous clay gravel for the natural planted aquarium. Its appearance is best suited to planted aquaria, but may be used in any freshwater aquarium environment. Flourite Red is most effective when used alone as an integral substrate bed, but it may be mixed with other gravels. Gravel modifiers such as laterite are not necessary. Flourite Red is not chemically coated or treated and will not alter the pH of the water. Flourite Red is good for the life of the aquarium and need not be replaced.
- Premium natural substrate
- Can be used in any freshwater aquarium environment.
- Good for the life of your aquarium
- Will not alter your aquariums pH
- Not chemically coated or treated
INSTRUCTIONS: Although it is pre-washed, because Flourite Black is a natural product, it may become dusty in transit and require rinsing before use to remove any residual dust. When adding water to your aquarium, fill slowly to avoid disturbing Flourite substrate bed. Place a bowl in the aquarium and add water directly to the bowl, allowing water to overflow softly on to the gravel bed. Initial cloudiness is normal. To remove cloudiness, use mechanical filtration (such as filter floss).
Flourite Black Aquarium Substrate is a specially fracted stable porous clay gravel for the natural planted aquarium. Its appearance is best suited to planted aquaria, but may be used in any freshwater aquarium environment. Flourite Black is most effective when used alone as an integral substrate bed, but it may be mixed with other gravels. Gravel modifiers such as laterite are not necessary. Flourite Black is not chemically coated or treated and will not alter the pH of the water. Flourite Black is good for the life of the aquarium and need not be replaced.
- Premium natural substrate
- Can be used in any freshwater aquarium environment.
- Good for the life of your aquarium
- Will not alter your aquariums pH
- Not chemically coated or treated
INSTRUCTIONS: Although it is pre-washed, because Flourite Black is a natural product, it may become dusty in transit and require rinsing before use to remove any residual dust. When adding water to your aquarium, fill slowly to avoid disturbing Flourite substrate bed. Place a bowl in the aquarium and add water directly to the bowl, allowing water to overflow softly on to the gravel bed. Initial cloudiness is normal. To remove cloudiness, use mechanical filtration (such as filter floss).
Weco Pond-Clear is a safe, simple solution to keeping your fish pool water clean, clear, and beautiful. Completely safe for all fish and plants, Pond-Clear will return your backyard pond to its original lustre.
- Keeps fish pool clear and beautiful
- Absolutely harmless to fish and plants
- Permits spawning and raising of young fishes
Dosage: Use 1 lb Pond-Clear for every 40 gallons of water, or
- 5 lbs - 4' x 6' x 1.25' Deep
- 10 lbs - 6' x 7' x 1.5' Deep
- 25 lbs - 7' x 10' x 2' Deep
Directions: Start with a clean pond, or at least remove heavy growth of undesirable or decaying plant life. Add Pond-Clear to a calm area of the pool, free of turbulence or agitation. Designed to dissolve slowly, as needed.
To avoid clouding water, put the unopened bag of Pond-Clear on the bottom of the pool, then gently cut away the sides and top of the bag. If the pool is too deep to place the bag on the bottom, submerge the unopened bag, open it and gently spill out the contents.
Under normal conditions the water will clear in about 7 to 10 days, though extreme conditions will require a little more time. Pond-Clear can also be hand-spread around a concreted perimeter surface of a pond.
Not for aquarium use. To clear water in aquariums use Weco Wonder-Shell.
To determine the gallon volume of your body of water, multiply (in average feet) length x width x depth x 7.5.
Microbe-Lift Spring/Summer Cleaner helps jump start your pond when warm weather hits, quickly creating a healthier aquatic environment. This natural, non-toxic formula comes in pre-measured packets that speed up the breakdown of leaves, sticks and other organic waste.
- 16 oz - Contains 8 x 2 oz water soluable packets of cellulose enzymes
- A seasonal approach for proper bacterial balance in ponds
- Reduces buildup of dead leaves and residual organic sediment
- Pre-measured, easy-to-use packets
Use to help jump start your pond to a healthier environment in the spring. Microbe-Lift Spring/Summer Cleaner is simple to use, all natural, non-toxic and non-caustic. It is not a chemical and is harmless to humans, fish and live plants. Packets are water soluble and cost-effective.
Made in the USA.
Contents: Water soluble packets of cellulose enzymes.
Tetra Pond Barley and Peat Extract creates naturally clear water and reduces pond maintenance. Regular use prevents discolored pond water and maintains the natural beauty of waterfalls.
- Reduces pond maintenance
- Replaces barley bales
- Safe for fish and plants
This effective pond water treatment releases natural humic acids from barley straw extract and liquid peat to help maintain balance in your water. The liquid formula eliminates the need for messy barley bales.
Safe for fish and plants when used as directed.
Tetra Pond Clarifier quickly clumps contaminants so they can be easily removed by filtration. Okay to use in ponds with plants!
- Keeps pond clear
- Safely clumps contaminants into sinking, removable masses
- Clumps can be removed by pond filter, pond vacuum, or skimming net.
- Regular use prevents cloudy and discolored pond water.
- Safe for fish and plants when used as directed.
Fast-acting water conditioner for crystal clear ponds and water gardens. Pond Clarifier clumps suspended particulate matter for easier removal by filtration systems. Helps existing pond filtration system work more efficiently to quickly clear cloudy and discolored water. When used as directed, Pond Clarifier will not harm pond life and plants. 16.9 ounce bottle treats 2,500 gallons.
Directions for Use
Shake well before use. For best results, use Pond Clarifier in the morning.
10 ml for every 50 gallons of tap water. 1/4 cup (60 ml) for every 300 gallons of pond water.
- DILUTE the proper dosage in a bucket of water.
- POUR diluted mixture into the pond evenly along the edges and in the middle.
- STIR pond water with hose spray or stick to further distribute the solution throughout the pond.
PROVIDE AERATION to the pond with a fountain, waterfall, of air pump when using this product. Keep pump(s) running 24 hours a day.
REMOVE clumps of contaminants from the bottom of the pond with a fine mesh net or pond vacuum. Pond filters will also remove the clumps.
REDOSE as required, allowing 3 days between treatments. Use 1/2 dosage (10 ml for every 100 gallons of pond water).
When using this product, Carbonate Hardness should be maintained at a level greater than or equal to 1-2 DH. If in doubt about your waters hardness, replace 20% of your ponds volume with fresh water. Be sure to use AquaSafe water conditioner any time you add water to the pond. Do not use more frequently than every three days to avoid excessively stressing the fish. Provide adequate aeration using fountains, waterfalls, or air pumps. Keep pump(s) running 24 hours a day.
For outdoor ornamental ponds only.
Tetra Pond Pond Sludge Reducer with Clear-Zyme Technology blocks are bio-active cleaning blocks that will keep water clean and clear by breaking down wastes which accumulate on the bottom of ponds as a sludge layer.
- Keeps pond water clean and clear
- Bio-active cleaning block for pond maintenance
- Breaks down wastes which accumulate on the bottom of ponds
Also great to use during the setup of a new pond and the spring start-up or fall shut-down of established ponds. The blend of safe enzyme producing bacteria helps develop and maintain the ponds natural biological balance.
Dosage: 4 blocks treat up to 1,000 gallons.
Kordon Pond NovAqua Plus is a unique combination of chemical compounds and inorganic salts that produce highly desirable effects in freshwater and marine systems.
- Highest quality multi-function Water Conditioner and Fish Protector
- Now with Echinacea to improve Immune Systems
- Breaks Down Chloramines
- Vitamins for Anti-Infection Protection
- Provides Protective Slime Coat
Pond NovAqua Plus:
16 oz - Treats 960 gallons of water.
1 Gallon - Treats 19,200 gallons of water.
The action of this coat provides a barrier against serious loss of internal fluids and electrolytes and protects damaged areas of the body against external toxins and disease-causing organisms. It neutralizes chlorine, iodine, and chloramine, buffers freshwater, detoxifies heavy metals, increases available electrolytes and reduces the toxicity of nitrite.
Shake bottle before using. Add 1 2/3oz per 100 gallons of water or 1 capful per 8 gallons of water. The dose may be repeated or increased without ill effect.
Kordon Pond NovAqua Plus is a unique combination of chemical compounds and inorganic salts that produce highly desirable effects in freshwater and marine systems.
- Highest quality multi-function Water Conditioner and Fish Protector
- Now with Echinacea to improve Immune Systems
- Breaks Down Chloramines
- Vitamins for Anti-Infection Protection
- Provides Protective Slime Coat
Pond NovAqua Plus:
16 oz - Treats 960 gallons of water.
1 Gallon - Treats 19,200 gallons of water.
The action of this coat provides a barrier against serious loss of internal fluids and electrolytes and protects damaged areas of the body against external toxins and disease-causing organisms. It neutralizes chlorine, iodine, and chloramine, buffers freshwater, detoxifies heavy metals, increases available electrolytes and reduces the toxicity of nitrite.
Shake bottle before using. Add 1 2/3oz per 100 gallons of water or 1 capful per 8 gallons of water. The dose may be repeated or increased without ill effect.
Kordon Pond AmQuel Plus removes chlorine, chloramines, ammonia, nitrates, and nitrites from pond water safely, easily and quickly. AmQuel protects pond fishes and invertebrates by quickly eliminating, in a true single-step action, three of the most toxic chemicals commonly found in water.
- Instantly detoxifies ammonia
- Detoxifies nitrate, nitrite, chloramines and chlorine, and toxic pheromones
- Detoxifies toxic organics in older water for fewer water changes
- Does not interfere with biological filtration or nitrifying bacteria
- Functions equaly well in fresh or salt water
Pond AmQuel Plus is the latest development in state-of-the-art water conditioning technology and is the next step beyond what the original AmQuel product does. Pond AmQuel Plus has several fundamental purposes and benefits. Does not interfere with the biological nitrogen cycle in your ponds filtration system. Ammonia is changed into a non-toxic compound the bacteria quickly consume.
Pond AmQuel Plus benefits is easy to use and equally effective in fresh and salt water, and it does not affect the beneficial bacteria of the biological nitrogen cycle. Pond AmQuel Plus is compatible with all water conditioners and all Kordon medications and other medications on which it has been tested, and with all aquatic life - including live rock and reef tank inhabitants. Pond AmQuel Plus does not affect pH (acidity and alkalinity), and does not discolor the water. Pond AmQuel Plus has a long shelf life.
Note: Pond Amquel Plus has an acerbic odor, but does not affect aquatic life, and the odor quickly disappears in use.
Instructions: Follow the label for dosing instructions.
Detailed Benefits:
- Use to treat tap water when water is added changed to detoxify chlorine, chloramines and their components (chlorine and ammonia) and to make the water safe for aquatic life free of these lethal toxins.
- Protects aquarium and pond fishes and invertebrates by quickly eliminating (actually detoxifying) the harmful components of the biological nitrogen cycle - ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates without slowing the nitrogen cycle, interfering with the beneficial bacteria involved, or depriving these bacteria of their food.
- Can rapidly detoxify toxic organics in overcrowded aquariums and ponds where waste products from the fishes, etc., quickly collect.
- Detoxifies organic compounds that accumulate in aquarium and pond water over time, including noxious pheromones released by fish and aquatic invertebrates to signal and repel each other. This is specially important for reducing the frequency of needed water changes. Many larger freshwater and saltwater aquarium fishes release pheromones to establish territoriality and repel other fishes. This is particularly true in fresh water for cichlids and plectognath fishes (triggers, filefish, puffers, boxfish) in salt water.
Kordon Pond AmQuel Plus removes chlorine, chloramines, ammonia, nitrates, and nitrites from pond water safely, easily and quickly. AmQuel protects pond fishes and invertebrates by quickly eliminating, in a true single-step action, three of the most toxic chemicals commonly found in water.
- Instantly detoxifies ammonia
- Detoxifies nitrate, nitrite, chloramines and chlorine, and toxic pheromones
- Detoxifies toxic organics in older water for fewer water changes
- Does not interfere with biological filtration or nitrifying bacteria
- Functions equaly well in fresh or salt water
Pond AmQuel Plus is the latest development in state-of-the-art water conditioning technology and is the next step beyond what the original AmQuel product does. Pond AmQuel Plus has several fundamental purposes and benefits. Does not interfere with the biological nitrogen cycle in your ponds filtration system. Ammonia is changed into a non-toxic compound the bacteria quickly consume.
Pond AmQuel Plus benefits is easy to use and equally effective in fresh and salt water, and it does not affect the beneficial bacteria of the biological nitrogen cycle. Pond AmQuel Plus is compatible with all water conditioners and all Kordon medications and other medications on which it has been tested, and with all aquatic life - including live rock and reef tank inhabitants. Pond AmQuel Plus does not affect pH (acidity and alkalinity), and does not discolor the water. Pond AmQuel Plus has a long shelf life.
Note: Pond Amquel Plus has an acerbic odor, but does not affect aquatic life, and the odor quickly disappears in use.
Instructions: Follow the label for dosing instructions.
Detailed Benefits:
- Use to treat tap water when water is added changed to detoxify chlorine, chloramines and their components (chlorine and ammonia) and to make the water safe for aquatic life free of these lethal toxins.
- Protects aquarium and pond fishes and invertebrates by quickly eliminating (actually detoxifying) the harmful components of the biological nitrogen cycle - ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates without slowing the nitrogen cycle, interfering with the beneficial bacteria involved, or depriving these bacteria of their food.
- Can rapidly detoxify toxic organics in overcrowded aquariums and ponds where waste products from the fishes, etc., quickly collect.
- Detoxifies organic compounds that accumulate in aquarium and pond water over time, including noxious pheromones released by fish and aquatic invertebrates to signal and repel each other. This is specially important for reducing the frequency of needed water changes. Many larger freshwater and saltwater aquarium fishes release pheromones to establish territoriality and repel other fishes. This is particularly true in fresh water for cichlids and plectognath fishes (triggers, filefish, puffers, boxfish) in salt water.
Kordon Pond AmQuel Plus removes chlorine, chloramines, ammonia, nitrates, and nitrites from pond water safely, easily and quickly. AmQuel protects pond fishes and invertebrates by quickly eliminating, in a true single-step action, three of the most toxic chemicals commonly found in water.
- Instantly detoxifies ammonia
- Detoxifies nitrate, nitrite, chloramines and chlorine, and toxic pheromones
- Detoxifies toxic organics in older water for fewer water changes
- Does not interfere with biological filtration or nitrifying bacteria
- Functions equaly well in fresh or salt water
Pond AmQuel Plus is the latest development in state-of-the-art water conditioning technology and is the next step beyond what the original AmQuel product does. Pond AmQuel Plus has several fundamental purposes and benefits. Does not interfere with the biological nitrogen cycle in your ponds filtration system. Ammonia is changed into a non-toxic compound the bacteria quickly consume.
Pond AmQuel Plus benefits is easy to use and equally effective in fresh and salt water, and it does not affect the beneficial bacteria of the biological nitrogen cycle. Pond AmQuel Plus is compatible with all water conditioners and all Kordon medications and other medications on which it has been tested, and with all aquatic life - including live rock and reef tank inhabitants. Pond AmQuel Plus does not affect pH (acidity and alkalinity), and does not discolor the water. Pond AmQuel Plus has a long shelf life.
Note: Pond Amquel Plus has an acerbic odor, but does not affect aquatic life, and the odor quickly disappears in use.
Instructions: Follow the label for dosing instructions.
Detailed Benefits:
- Use to treat tap water when water is added changed to detoxify chlorine, chloramines and their components (chlorine and ammonia) and to make the water safe for aquatic life free of these lethal toxins.
- Protects aquarium and pond fishes and invertebrates by quickly eliminating (actually detoxifying) the harmful components of the biological nitrogen cycle - ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates without slowing the nitrogen cycle, interfering with the beneficial bacteria involved, or depriving these bacteria of their food.
- Can rapidly detoxify toxic organics in overcrowded aquariums and ponds where waste products from the fishes, etc., quickly collect.
- Detoxifies organic compounds that accumulate in aquarium and pond water over time, including noxious pheromones released by fish and aquatic invertebrates to signal and repel each other. This is specially important for reducing the frequency of needed water changes. Many larger freshwater and saltwater aquarium fishes release pheromones to establish territoriality and repel other fishes. This is particularly true in fresh water for cichlids and plectognath fishes (triggers, filefish, puffers, boxfish) in salt water.
Kordon Pond AmQuel Plus Concentrate removes chlorine, chloramines, ammonia, nitrates, and nitrites from pond water safely, easily and quickly. This concentrated formula treats larger volumes of water in a single step.
- Instantly detoxifies ammonia
- Detoxifies nitrate, nitrite, chloramines and chlorine
- Detoxifies toxic pheromones and toxic organics for fewer water changes
- Does not interfere with biological filtration or nitrifying bacteria
- Functions equally well in fresh or saltwater
- Does not affect the waters pH
- Should be used in well-aerated water
16 oz Treats 2,400 Gallons
1 Gallon Treats 19,200 Gallons
5 Gallons Treats 96,000 Gallons
AmQuel protects pond fishes and invertebrates by quickly eliminating, in a true single-step action, three of the most toxic chemicals commonly found in water. Toxic ammonia is changed into a non-toxic compound the bacteria quickly consume.
Pond AmQuel Plus is the latest development in state-of-the-art water conditioning technology and is the next step beyond what the original AmQuel product does. Pond AmQuel Plus has several fundamental purposes and benefits. Does not interfere with the biological nitrogen cycle in your ponds filtration system.
Pond AmQuel Plus benefits are easy to use and equally effective in fresh and saltwater, and it does not affect the beneficial bacteria of the biological nitrogen cycle. Pond AmQuel Plus is compatible with all water conditioners and all Kordon medications and other medications on which it has been tested, and with all aquatic life - including live rock and reef tank inhabitants. Pond AmQuel Plus does not affect pH (acidity and alkalinity) and does not discolor the water. Pond AmQuel Plus has a long shelf life.
Note: Pond Amquel Plus has an acerbic odor but does not affect aquatic life, and the odor quickly disappears in use.
Instructions: Follow the label for dosing instructions.
Detailed Benefits:
1. Use to treat tap water when water is added changed to detoxify chlorine, chloramines and their components (chlorine and ammonia) and to make the water safe for aquatic life free of these lethal toxins.
2. Protects aquarium and pond fishes and invertebrates by quickly eliminating (actually detoxifying) the harmful components of the biological nitrogen cycle - ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates without slowing the nitrogen cycle, interfering with the beneficial bacteria involved, or depriving these bacteria of their food.
3. Can rapidly detoxify toxic organics in overcrowded aquariums and ponds where waste products from the fishes, etc., quickly collect.
4. Detoxifies organic compounds that accumulate in aquarium and pond water over time, including noxious pheromones released by fish and aquatic invertebrates to signal and repel each other. This is specially important for reducing the frequency of needed water changes. Many larger freshwater and saltwater aquarium fishes release pheromones to establish territoriality and repel other fishes. This is particularly true in freshwater for cichlids and plectognath fishes (triggers, filefish, puffers, boxfish) in saltwater.
Kordon Pond AmQuel Plus Concentrate removes chlorine, chloramines, ammonia, nitrates, and nitrites from pond water safely, easily and quickly. This concentrated formula treats larger volumes of water in a single step.
- Instantly detoxifies ammonia
- Detoxifies nitrate, nitrite, chloramines and chlorine
- Detoxifies toxic pheromones and toxic organics for fewer water changes
- Does not interfere with biological filtration or nitrifying bacteria
- Functions equally well in fresh or saltwater
- Does not affect the waters pH
- Should be used in well-aerated water
16 oz Treats 2,400 Gallons
1 Gallon Treats 19,200 Gallons
5 Gallons Treats 96,000 Gallons
AmQuel protects pond fishes and invertebrates by quickly eliminating, in a true single-step action, three of the most toxic chemicals commonly found in water. Toxic ammonia is changed into a non-toxic compound the bacteria quickly consume.
Pond AmQuel Plus is the latest development in state-of-the-art water conditioning technology and is the next step beyond what the original AmQuel product does. Pond AmQuel Plus has several fundamental purposes and benefits. Does not interfere with the biological nitrogen cycle in your ponds filtration system.
Pond AmQuel Plus benefits are easy to use and equally effective in fresh and saltwater, and it does not affect the beneficial bacteria of the biological nitrogen cycle. Pond AmQuel Plus is compatible with all water conditioners and all Kordon medications and other medications on which it has been tested, and with all aquatic life - including live rock and reef tank inhabitants. Pond AmQuel Plus does not affect pH (acidity and alkalinity) and does not discolor the water. Pond AmQuel Plus has a long shelf life.
Note: Pond Amquel Plus has an acerbic odor but does not affect aquatic life, and the odor quickly disappears in use.
Instructions: Follow the label for dosing instructions.
Detailed Benefits:
1. Use to treat tap water when water is added changed to detoxify chlorine, chloramines and their components (chlorine and ammonia) and to make the water safe for aquatic life free of these lethal toxins.
2. Protects aquarium and pond fishes and invertebrates by quickly eliminating (actually detoxifying) the harmful components of the biological nitrogen cycle - ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates without slowing the nitrogen cycle, interfering with the beneficial bacteria involved, or depriving these bacteria of their food.
3. Can rapidly detoxify toxic organics in overcrowded aquariums and ponds where waste products from the fishes, etc., quickly collect.
4. Detoxifies organic compounds that accumulate in aquarium and pond water over time, including noxious pheromones released by fish and aquatic invertebrates to signal and repel each other. This is specially important for reducing the frequency of needed water changes. Many larger freshwater and saltwater aquarium fishes release pheromones to establish territoriality and repel other fishes. This is particularly true in freshwater for cichlids and plectognath fishes (triggers, filefish, puffers, boxfish) in saltwater.
Kordon Pond AmQuel Plus Concentrate removes chlorine, chloramines, ammonia, nitrates, and nitrites from pond water safely, easily and quickly. This concentrated formula treats larger volumes of water in a single step.
- Instantly detoxifies ammonia
- Detoxifies nitrate, nitrite, chloramines and chlorine
- Detoxifies toxic pheromones and toxic organics for fewer water changes
- Does not interfere with biological filtration or nitrifying bacteria
- Functions equally well in fresh or saltwater
- Does not affect the waters pH
- Should be used in well-aerated water
16 oz Treats 2,400 Gallons
1 Gallon Treats 19,200 Gallons
5 Gallons Treats 96,000 Gallons
AmQuel protects pond fishes and invertebrates by quickly eliminating, in a true single-step action, three of the most toxic chemicals commonly found in water. Toxic ammonia is changed into a non-toxic compound the bacteria quickly consume.
Pond AmQuel Plus is the latest development in state-of-the-art water conditioning technology and is the next step beyond what the original AmQuel product does. Pond AmQuel Plus has several fundamental purposes and benefits. Does not interfere with the biological nitrogen cycle in your ponds filtration system.
Pond AmQuel Plus benefits are easy to use and equally effective in fresh and saltwater, and it does not affect the beneficial bacteria of the biological nitrogen cycle. Pond AmQuel Plus is compatible with all water conditioners and all Kordon medications and other medications on which it has been tested, and with all aquatic life - including live rock and reef tank inhabitants. Pond AmQuel Plus does not affect pH (acidity and alkalinity) and does not discolor the water. Pond AmQuel Plus has a long shelf life.
Note: Pond Amquel Plus has an acerbic odor but does not affect aquatic life, and the odor quickly disappears in use.
Instructions: Follow the label for dosing instructions.
Detailed Benefits:
1. Use to treat tap water when water is added changed to detoxify chlorine, chloramines and their components (chlorine and ammonia) and to make the water safe for aquatic life free of these lethal toxins.
2. Protects aquarium and pond fishes and invertebrates by quickly eliminating (actually detoxifying) the harmful components of the biological nitrogen cycle - ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates without slowing the nitrogen cycle, interfering with the beneficial bacteria involved, or depriving these bacteria of their food.
3. Can rapidly detoxify toxic organics in overcrowded aquariums and ponds where waste products from the fishes, etc., quickly collect.
4. Detoxifies organic compounds that accumulate in aquarium and pond water over time, including noxious pheromones released by fish and aquatic invertebrates to signal and repel each other. This is specially important for reducing the frequency of needed water changes. Many larger freshwater and saltwater aquarium fishes release pheromones to establish territoriality and repel other fishes. This is particularly true in freshwater for cichlids and plectognath fishes (triggers, filefish, puffers, boxfish) in saltwater.
API Pond Simply-Clear Fast Acting Bacterial Pond Clarifier that quickly clears murky, cloudy water and keeps it clean and clear through natural bacterial action.
- Consumes Phosphates and Nitrates
- Clarifies water of organic and inorganic materials
- Quickly clears pond water
This triple action formula acts fast - clears pond water and breaks down sludge and offers a long-term solution to un-clear pond water. Pond Simply Clear is a fast acting bacteria that feeds on small size organic materials that often cause cloudy water conditions. As the bacteria rapidly grow they shed their outer coating which acts as natural flocculent clumping fine particles.
As the fine particles clump together they either drop to the bottom of the pond or are removed by the pond filter. Once the particles are clumped together the bacteria have a concentrated food source further reducing the causes of cloudy water conditions. The bacteria require phosphates as a necessary food source eliminating it from the water. The fast-acting bacteria are extremely efficient at breaking down dissolved proteins that are associated with poor water clarity. Simply Clear bacteria will quickly clear pond water and digest and eliminate the floating particles.
16 oz: Treats 4,000 Gallons
32 oz: Treats 8,000 Gallons
64 oz: Treats up to 16,000 Gallons
1 Gallon: Treats up to 32,000 Gallons
Dosing Instructions:
Initial dose: Add 2 oz. per 250 U.S. gallons twice a week for two weeks.
Maintenance dose: Add 1 oz. per 250 U.S. gallons or 1/2 cup per 1,000 U.S. gallons every two weeks.
End of season dose: Add 2 oz. per 250 U.S. gallons twice a week for two weeks.
API Pond Stress Coat instantly makes tap water safe for fish, removes chlorine, chloramines and toxic ammonia, reduces stress and adds a protective slime coat for enhanced disease prevention. Use during start-up and regular water changes to help keep your fish healthy and your pond water safe.
- Removes chlorine, chloramines and ammonia
- Detoxifies heavy metals from tap water
- Replenishes fish slime coat, reduces stress and heals wounds
Stress Coat completely neutralizes and removes chlorine, chloramines and ammonia and detoxifies heavy metals to make water from the hose safe for pond fish. It replenishes the natural protective slime coat, making fish less susceptible to disease during times of high stress. Stress Coat is made with Aloe Vera, which promotes healing and helps restore damaged skin, fins and other fish wounds. Use whenever adding tap water or fish to the pond or when fish are injured.
Made in the USA.
Directions: When adding water to the pond: add 4 Tbsp. per 240 gallons of pond water, or 1/2 cup for each 48- gallons. In areas of known high chloramine use by local water companies, double the dose for added fish protection. When introducing fish to the pond or to promote healing: double the dose. 16 oz treats up to 1,920 gallons. 32 oz treats up to 3,840 gallons. 64 oz treats up to 7,680 gallons. 1 gallon treats up to 15,360 gallons.
Note: Formerly known as Pondcare Stress Coat Plus.
API Pond Stress Coat instantly makes tap water safe for fish, removes chlorine, chloramines and toxic ammonia, reduces stress and adds a protective slime coat for enhanced disease prevention. Use during start-up and regular water changes to help keep your fish healthy and your pond water safe.
- Removes chlorine, chloramines and ammonia
- Detoxifies heavy metals from tap water
- Replenishes fish slime coat, reduces stress and heals wounds
Stress Coat completely neutralizes and removes chlorine, chloramines and ammonia and detoxifies heavy metals to make water from the hose safe for pond fish. It replenishes the natural protective slime coat, making fish less susceptible to disease during times of high stress. Stress Coat is made with Aloe Vera, which promotes healing and helps restore damaged skin, fins and other fish wounds. Use whenever adding tap water or fish to the pond or when fish are injured.
Made in the USA.
Directions: When adding water to the pond: add 4 Tbsp. per 240 gallons of pond water, or 1/2 cup for each 48- gallons. In areas of known high chloramine use by local water companies, double the dose for added fish protection. When introducing fish to the pond or to promote healing: double the dose. 16 oz treats up to 1,920 gallons. 32 oz treats up to 3,840 gallons. 64 oz treats up to 7,680 gallons. 1 gallon treats up to 15,360 gallons.
Note: Formerly known as Pondcare Stress Coat Plus.
API Pond Chlorine and Heavy Metal Neutralizer instantly neutralizes chlorine, copper, lead and zinc, as well as other heavy metals found in tap and well water, all of which may be toxic to fish and plants.
- Dechlorinator removes chlorine and detoxifies heavy metals
- Instantly prepares tap water for plants and fish
- Recommended for pond setup or water change
Recommended for use when setting up a pond, changing water or whenever rain runoff has added water to the pond. Quickly neutralizes chlorine, copper, lead and zinc found in tap water and heavy metals caused by soil leaching and acid rain. 16 oz treats up to 9,600 gallons. 32 oz treats up to 19,200 gallons.
Note: Formerly sold as Pondcare Chlorine and Heavy Metal Neutralizer.
API Pond Accu-Clear quickly clears floating particles and helps clarify cloudy and murky water to help maintain a crystal clear pond. Accu-Clear helps filters function more efficiently by causing tiny suspended cloud particles in pond water to clump together.
- Clarifies murky or cloudy water
- Helps establish a healthy pond
- Clears floating particles
Use Pond Zyme Plus or EcoFix along with Accu-Clear for unmatched cleanliness in your pond. Safe for all fish, plants, pets and wildlife when used as directed. For ornamental pond use only.
Made in the USA.
Directions: Add 1/4 cup (60 ml) per 600 gallons of pond water. DO NOT OVERDOSE. Overdosing will result in less effective results. Wait 24 hours before adding a second dose, if one is needed. Dose weekly to maintain water quality. 16 oz treats up to 4,800 gallons. 32 oz treats up to 9,600 gallons. 64 oz treats up to 19,200 gallons. 1 gallon treats up to 38,400 gallons.
Important: Before use, make sure your pond has plenty of aeration (i.e., fountain, waterfall, air pump, etc.), especially during the hot summer months. API Pond Accu-Clear effectively removes unwanted organic matter, which produces high volumes of oxygen during the day. When using Accu-Clear, it is crucial to provide a vigorous source of oxygen to avoid fish death.
Note: Formerly known as PondCare Accu-Clear.
API Pond Accu-Clear quickly clears floating particles and helps clarify cloudy and murky water to help maintain a crystal clear pond. Accu-Clear helps filters function more efficiently by causing tiny suspended cloud particles in pond water to clump together.
- Clarifies murky or cloudy water
- Helps establish a healthy pond
- Clears floating particles
Use Pond Zyme Plus or EcoFix along with Accu-Clear for unmatched cleanliness in your pond. Safe for all fish, plants, pets and wildlife when used as directed. For ornamental pond use only.
Made in the USA.
Directions: Add 1/4 cup (60 ml) per 600 gallons of pond water. DO NOT OVERDOSE. Overdosing will result in less effective results. Wait 24 hours before adding a second dose, if one is needed. Dose weekly to maintain water quality. 16 oz treats up to 4,800 gallons. 32 oz treats up to 9,600 gallons. 64 oz treats up to 19,200 gallons. 1 gallon treats up to 38,400 gallons.
Important: Before use, make sure your pond has plenty of aeration (i.e., fountain, waterfall, air pump, etc.), especially during the hot summer months. API Pond Accu-Clear effectively removes unwanted organic matter, which produces high volumes of oxygen during the day. When using Accu-Clear, it is crucial to provide a vigorous source of oxygen to avoid fish death.
Note: Formerly known as PondCare Accu-Clear.
API Pond Accu-Clear quickly clears floating particles and helps clarify cloudy and murky water to help maintain a crystal clear pond. Accu-Clear helps filters function more efficiently by causing tiny suspended cloud particles in pond water to clump together.
- Clarifies murky or cloudy water
- Helps establish a healthy pond
- Clears floating particles
Use Pond Zyme Plus or EcoFix along with Accu-Clear for unmatched cleanliness in your pond. Safe for all fish, plants, pets and wildlife when used as directed. For ornamental pond use only.
Made in the USA.
Directions: Add 1/4 cup (60 ml) per 600 gallons of pond water. DO NOT OVERDOSE. Overdosing will result in less effective results. Wait 24 hours before adding a second dose, if one is needed. Dose weekly to maintain water quality. 16 oz treats up to 4,800 gallons. 32 oz treats up to 9,600 gallons. 64 oz treats up to 19,200 gallons. 1 gallon treats up to 38,400 gallons.
Important: Before use, make sure your pond has plenty of aeration (i.e., fountain, waterfall, air pump, etc.), especially during the hot summer months. API Pond Accu-Clear effectively removes unwanted organic matter, which produces high volumes of oxygen during the day. When using Accu-Clear, it is crucial to provide a vigorous source of oxygen to avoid fish death.
Note: Formerly known as PondCare Accu-Clear.
API Pond Accu-Clear quickly clears floating particles and helps clarify cloudy and murky water to help maintain a crystal clear pond. Accu-Clear helps filters function more efficiently by causing tiny suspended cloud particles in pond water to clump together.
- Clarifies murky or cloudy water
- Helps establish a healthy pond
- Clears floating particles
Use Pond Zyme Plus or EcoFix along with Accu-Clear for unmatched cleanliness in your pond. Safe for all fish, plants, pets and wildlife when used as directed. For ornamental pond use only.
Made in the USA.
Directions: Add 1/4 cup (60 ml) per 600 gallons of pond water. DO NOT OVERDOSE. Overdosing will result in less effective results. Wait 24 hours before adding a second dose, if one is needed. Dose weekly to maintain water quality. 16 oz treats up to 4,800 gallons. 32 oz treats up to 9,600 gallons. 64 oz treats up to 19,200 gallons. 1 gallon treats up to 38,400 gallons.
Important: Before use, make sure your pond has plenty of aeration (i.e., fountain, waterfall, air pump, etc.), especially during the hot summer months. API Pond Accu-Clear effectively removes unwanted organic matter, which produces high volumes of oxygen during the day. When using Accu-Clear, it is crucial to provide a vigorous source of oxygen to avoid fish death.
Note: Formerly known as PondCare Accu-Clear.
API Pond Ecofix Sludge Destroyer contains is an all natural formula containing highly concentrated beneficial bacteria that break down and consume organic waste and pond sludge, reducing pond maintenance and helping to keep your water crystal clear.
- Consumes pond sludge, reduces fish waste build-up
- All natural, highly concentrated beneficial bacteria
- Simplifies pond maintenance and helps create a healthy ecosystem
- Pond Ecofix is Made in the USA
Ecofix Sludge Destroyer breaks down fish waste and dead algae, consumes organic pollution, and increases oxygen levels in your water, creating a clearer pond and a healthier habitat for your fish and live plants.
Directions: Shake well. Initial dose at Spring Start-Up and End of Season dose: Add 1/2 cup (120 ml) per 500 US gallons of pond water (1.89 L) twice a week for 2 weeks. Maintenance Dose: Add 4 Tbsp. (60 ml) per 500 US gallons of pond water every 2 weeks. Keep out of reach of children. For ornamental pond use only. Tip: For maximum cleaning power, treat pond water with the liquid algaecide Algaefix, then add Ecofix Sludge Destroyer. The bacteria in Ecofix will consume the dead algae for a cleaner, clearer pond.
API Pond Ecofix Sludge Destroyer contains is an all natural formula containing highly concentrated beneficial bacteria that break down and consume organic waste and pond sludge, reducing pond maintenance and helping to keep your water crystal clear.
- Consumes pond sludge, reduces fish waste build-up
- All natural, highly concentrated beneficial bacteria
- Simplifies pond maintenance and helps create a healthy ecosystem
- Pond Ecofix is Made in the USA
Ecofix Sludge Destroyer breaks down fish waste and dead algae, consumes organic pollution, and increases oxygen levels in your water, creating a clearer pond and a healthier habitat for your fish and live plants.
Directions: Shake well. Initial dose at Spring Start-Up and End of Season dose: Add 1/2 cup (120 ml) per 500 US gallons of pond water (1.89 L) twice a week for 2 weeks. Maintenance Dose: Add 4 Tbsp. (60 ml) per 500 US gallons of pond water every 2 weeks. Keep out of reach of children. For ornamental pond use only. Tip: For maximum cleaning power, treat pond water with the liquid algaecide Algaefix, then add Ecofix Sludge Destroyer. The bacteria in Ecofix will consume the dead algae for a cleaner, clearer pond.
API Pond Ammo Lock (formerly PondCare Ammo-Lock) instantly detoxifies ammonia from fish waste, tap water, uneaten fish food, and decomposing plants and algae. Use as a water conditioner to instantly make fresh pond water for plants and fish, or to remove unsafe ammonia levels in existing water.
- Detoxifies ammonia
- Instantly makes pond water safe for fish
- Eliminates ammonia stress and promotes healthy gill function
- Use whenever ammonia is detected
Ammo Lock has been uniquely developed to eliminate the toxic effects of chlorine, chloramine and ammonia that may be present in municipal water used to fill ponds. Fish waste, decomposing algae, plants and uneaten fish food produce ammonia. Ammonia, which is a colorless and odorless toxic chemical, is the number one killer of pond fish. Ammo-Lock also detoxifies harmful levels of ammonia that can occur in pond water from overfeeding and overstocking of fish.
Ammo Lock is a patented formula that instantly neutralizes both chlorine and chloramine and effectively "locks up' any potential ammonia or immediate ammonia up to 5 ppm per dose. Although ammonia will still be present in pond water, converts the ammonia to a form that is nontoxic to aquatic life; this nontoxic form actually serves as a source of nutrition for nitrifying bacteria in the biological filter. Ammonia build-up can occur whenever starting a new pond, before biological filtration becomes active, or when there is inadequate biological filtration.
API Pond pH Down slowly lowers the pH of pond water (making it more acidic) without harming delicate pond fish or aquatic plants. Optimal pH for most ponds is 7.0. Contains sulfuric acid.
- Slowly lowers the pH of pond water
- Will not harm delicate pond fish or aquatic plants
- Slowly neutralizes alkaline substances
Slowly neutralizes alkaline substances that cause high pH (pH of pond water is affected by mineral leaching, soil runoff and decomposing waste). A high pH limits the ability of aquatic plants to absorb necessary nutrients. Contains no algae-promoting phosphates.
Directions: Add 1 teaspoon for every 50 gallons of pond water. Mix this dose in a bucket with 2 gallons of pond water and distribute evenly around the perimeter of the pond. Wait 24 hours, test pH again and repeat treatment as necessary.
API Pond Stress Coat instantly makes tap water safe for fish, removes chlorine, chloramines and toxic ammonia, reduces stress and adds a protective slime coat for enhanced disease prevention. Use during start-up and regular water changes to help keep your fish healthy and your pond water safe.
- Removes chlorine, chloramines and ammonia
- Detoxifies heavy metals from tap water
- Replenishes fish slime coat, reduces stress and heals wounds
Stress Coat completely neutralizes and removes chlorine, chloramines and ammonia and detoxifies heavy metals to make water from the hose safe for pond fish. It replenishes the natural protective slime coat, making fish less susceptible to disease during times of high stress. Stress Coat is made with Aloe Vera, which promotes healing and helps restore damaged skin, fins and other fish wounds. Use whenever adding tap water or fish to the pond or when fish are injured.
Made in the USA.
Directions: When adding water to the pond: add 4 Tbsp. per 240 gallons of pond water, or 1/2 cup for each 48- gallons. In areas of known high chloramine use by local water companies, double the dose for added fish protection. When introducing fish to the pond or to promote healing: double the dose. 16 oz treats up to 1,920 gallons. 32 oz treats up to 3,840 gallons. 64 oz treats up to 7,680 gallons. 1 gallon treats up to 15,360 gallons.
Note: Formerly known as Pondcare Stress Coat Plus.
API Pond Simply-Clear Fast Acting Bacterial Pond Clarifier that quickly clears murky, cloudy water and keeps it clean and clear through natural bacterial action.
- Consumes Phosphates and Nitrates
- Clarifies water of organic and inorganic materials
- Quickly clears pond water
This triple action formula acts fast - clears pond water and breaks down sludge and offers a long-term solution to un-clear pond water. Pond Simply Clear is a fast acting bacteria that feeds on small size organic materials that often cause cloudy water conditions. As the bacteria rapidly grow they shed their outer coating which acts as natural flocculent clumping fine particles.
As the fine particles clump together they either drop to the bottom of the pond or are removed by the pond filter. Once the particles are clumped together the bacteria have a concentrated food source further reducing the causes of cloudy water conditions. The bacteria require phosphates as a necessary food source eliminating it from the water. The fast-acting bacteria are extremely efficient at breaking down dissolved proteins that are associated with poor water clarity. Simply Clear bacteria will quickly clear pond water and digest and eliminate the floating particles.
16 oz: Treats 4,000 Gallons
32 oz: Treats 8,000 Gallons
64 oz: Treats up to 16,000 Gallons
1 Gallon: Treats up to 32,000 Gallons
Dosing Instructions:
Initial dose: Add 2 oz. per 250 U.S. gallons twice a week for two weeks.
Maintenance dose: Add 1 oz. per 250 U.S. gallons or 1/2 cup per 1,000 U.S. gallons every two weeks.
End of season dose: Add 2 oz. per 250 U.S. gallons twice a week for two weeks.
API Pond Simply-Clear Fast Acting Bacterial Pond Clarifier that quickly clears murky, cloudy water and keeps it clean and clear through natural bacterial action.
- Consumes Phosphates and Nitrates
- Clarifies water of organic and inorganic materials
- Quickly clears pond water
This triple action formula acts fast - clears pond water and breaks down sludge and offers a long-term solution to un-clear pond water. Pond Simply Clear is a fast acting bacteria that feeds on small size organic materials that often cause cloudy water conditions. As the bacteria rapidly grow they shed their outer coating which acts as natural flocculent clumping fine particles.
As the fine particles clump together they either drop to the bottom of the pond or are removed by the pond filter. Once the particles are clumped together the bacteria have a concentrated food source further reducing the causes of cloudy water conditions. The bacteria require phosphates as a necessary food source eliminating it from the water. The fast-acting bacteria are extremely efficient at breaking down dissolved proteins that are associated with poor water clarity. Simply Clear bacteria will quickly clear pond water and digest and eliminate the floating particles.
16 oz: Treats 4,000 Gallons
32 oz: Treats 8,000 Gallons
64 oz: Treats up to 16,000 Gallons
1 Gallon: Treats up to 32,000 Gallons
Dosing Instructions:
Initial dose: Add 2 oz. per 250 U.S. gallons twice a week for two weeks.
Maintenance dose: Add 1 oz. per 250 U.S. gallons or 1/2 cup per 1,000 U.S. gallons every two weeks.
End of season dose: Add 2 oz. per 250 U.S. gallons twice a week for two weeks.
Microbe-Lift Barley Straw Pellets Plus is a 100% natural and organic formula that will naturally balance your pond water and improve water clarity. Fish will not eat Barley Pellets as they do not contain any food value.
- Matures pond water chemistry and buffers pH
- Quickly releases decomposition by-products
- Works all year round
Designed to disperse immediately by placing pellets in your pond or packing in a porous fabric sock and suspending in your pond or available chamber in your skimmer or filter. Please refer to Alternate Image for Application Rates.
What is it Microbe-Lift Barley Straw Pellets Plus is an environmentally responsible, cost-efficient pond conditioner that is a natural and organic way to a healthy pond environment! Barley straw and selected natural peats have been processed and packaged to make them easy and clean to apply. Manufactured using an exclusive proprietary pelleting process that eliminates the use of wheat, corn and other binders, the barley straw is harvested and stored under climatic conditions that assure the quality of these essential ingredients.
How does it work It works in much the same way as ordinary barley straw...only faster! Whereas barley straw works by releasing certain natural chemicals as it biodegrades, so do the pellets in MICROBE-LIFT/Barley Straw Pellets +, only the breakdown compounds are released faster: dispersing equally throughout the water; reacting photochemically with sunlight; and activating humic acids to produce hydrogen peroxide-an oxidizing agent that also helps to keep the water clear-naturally and at a low level of release. The humic acid will also chelate metals such as copper or arsenic. MICROBE-LIFT/Barley Straw Pellets + are rich in organic peat which softens pond water-reducing nitrate and phosphate concentrations in the water column-and provides a buffering agent and ion attenuation in lined ponds that additionally gives them some beneficial properties of earthen ponds!
Please note: MICROBE-LIFT/Barley Straw Pellets + will leave a residual on the bottom of the pond. The bacteria in the Microbe-Lift products as well as MICROBE-LIFT/Sludge Away will digest this organic residual.
Note: 4.4 lb bag is now packaged in a box for your convenience.
Microbe-Lift Barley Straw Pellets Plus is a 100% natural and organic formula that will naturally balance your pond water and improve water clarity. Fish will not eat Barley Pellets as they do not contain any food value.
- Matures pond water chemistry and buffers pH
- Quickly releases decomposition by-products
- Works all year round
Designed to disperse immediately by placing pellets in your pond or packing in a porous fabric sock and suspending in your pond or available chamber in your skimmer or filter. Please refer to Alternate Image for Application Rates.
What is it Microbe-Lift Barley Straw Pellets Plus is an environmentally responsible, cost-efficient pond conditioner that is a natural and organic way to a healthy pond environment! Barley straw and selected natural peats have been processed and packaged to make them easy and clean to apply. Manufactured using an exclusive proprietary pelleting process that eliminates the use of wheat, corn and other binders, the barley straw is harvested and stored under climatic conditions that assure the quality of these essential ingredients.
How does it work It works in much the same way as ordinary barley straw...only faster! Whereas barley straw works by releasing certain natural chemicals as it biodegrades, so do the pellets in MICROBE-LIFT/Barley Straw Pellets +, only the breakdown compounds are released faster: dispersing equally throughout the water; reacting photochemically with sunlight; and activating humic acids to produce hydrogen peroxide-an oxidizing agent that also helps to keep the water clear-naturally and at a low level of release. The humic acid will also chelate metals such as copper or arsenic. MICROBE-LIFT/Barley Straw Pellets + are rich in organic peat which softens pond water-reducing nitrate and phosphate concentrations in the water column-and provides a buffering agent and ion attenuation in lined ponds that additionally gives them some beneficial properties of earthen ponds!
Please note: MICROBE-LIFT/Barley Straw Pellets + will leave a residual on the bottom of the pond. The bacteria in the Microbe-Lift products as well as MICROBE-LIFT/Sludge Away will digest this organic residual.
Note: 4.4 lb bag is now packaged in a box for your convenience.
A liquid extract of barley straw especially helpful where bottom drains are present. An environmentally responsible, cost-efficient pond conditioner that is a clean and easy, natural and organic approach to a healthy pond environment.
- An Environmentally Responsible, Cost Efficient Pond Conditioner
- Clean And Easy
- Natural and organic approach to a health pond environment
- Goes To Work On Contact
- An environmentally responsible, cost efficient pond conditioner
Microbe-Lift CMC (Calcium Montmorillonite Clay) is a powdered clay from one of the highest calcium clay deposits in the world. This calcium montmorillonite clay has a negative electric charge that binds the clay particles to positively charged toxins in the water. This clay is a nutrient source for koi that also polishes your pond water.
- Nutritional source for Koi
- Clay from highest calcium clay desposits
- Polishes pond water
Microbe-Lift Sludge-Away naturally speeds up the elimination of slow degrading organic sludge and muck from ponds, especially which contain rock or gravel. This organic and microbial-based method prevents toxic gasses from deriving off of hard-to-reach accumulated organic matter, protecting your fish, plants as well as marine life while clarifying your water at the same time.
- Speeds up the elimination of organic sludge & muck
- 100% active, organic & microbial-based ingredients
- Protects your fish and pond from arising toxic gasses
- This quickly disperses & is safe for the environment
- 1 gallon of water treats a 500 gal pond for 5 weeks
Ecological Laboratories Nite Out II is specifically made for ponds. This special formula is designed to eliminate ammonia through a natural biological process termed nitrification. The ingredients in Nite Out II will establish, promote, or stabilize and maintain nitrification in ponds which will eliminate toxic effects of ammonia.
- Initiates nitrification
- Provides stable cold weather nitrification
- Safe for use around animals and plants
Please refer to Alternative Images for Nitrification diagram and Application Rates
Microbe Lift OPC - Oxy Pond Cleaner helps break down all of that debris! Ecological Laboratories Oxy Pond Cleaner will safely and immediately breakdown accumulated debris from rocks, streams and waterfalls.
- Uses oxygen power to breakdown unsightly debris!
- Especially helpful on streams and waterfalls
- Deep cleans planters and rocks
- Oxidizes and detoxifies
- Helps prevent pond odors
- Use weekly to help remove stressful pond draining
Please refer to Alternate Images 1, 2 and 3 for Weekly Maintenance of Debris Application, Light Accumulation of Debris Application, and Heavy Accumulation of Debris Application.
NOTE - Ammonia levels should be checked for two days following applications of all oxygen release compounds as they can kill beneficial bacteria in ponds which can result in a an ammonia or nitrite spike.
Ecological Laboratories Microbe-Lift PL for Ponds is a special formula for decorative fish ponds, lagoons and small water features. Microbe Lift Pond PL with natural beneficial bacteria will help create a cleaner environment for your pond and help promote fish growth.
- Keeps ponds clean and clear
- Reduces ammonia nitrogen levels
- Seeds and maintains biological filters
- Breaks down dead algae and gets rid of organic sludge
Reduces noxious odors from dead algae, fish fecal matter, and urine. Reduces hydrogen sulfide, which creates offensive odors. Reduces biological oxygen demand, buildup of bird droppings, dead leaves, and fish feed. Microbe Lift PL has photosynthetic bacteria to help maintain clear water and enhances dissolved oxygen levels. Highly effective over an array of pH levels. Sustains biological activity in water temperatures under 55°F. Refer to alternate image for Application Rates!
This is not a chemical. It is harmless to humans, animals, fish and plants. Microbe-Lift PL is the trade name of a natural bacteria found in a natural harmonious environment. Microbe-Lift PL is NOT a genetically engineered or altered bacteria.
Microbe-Lift PL will be effective in any of the following conditions: with or without light, low acidity to high acidity, with air or without air, low alkalinity to high alkalinity. It works completely effectively when used alone.
Made in the USA.
Ecological Laboratories Microbe-Lift PL for Ponds is a special formula for decorative fish ponds, lagoons and small water features. Microbe Lift Pond PL with natural beneficial bacteria will help create a cleaner environment for your pond and help promote fish growth.
- Keeps ponds clean and clear
- Reduces ammonia nitrogen levels
- Seeds and maintains biological filters
- Breaks down dead algae and gets rid of organic sludge
Reduces noxious odors from dead algae, fish fecal matter, and urine. Reduces hydrogen sulfide, which creates offensive odors. Reduces biological oxygen demand, buildup of bird droppings, dead leaves, and fish feed. Microbe Lift PL has photosynthetic bacteria to help maintain clear water and enhances dissolved oxygen levels. Highly effective over an array of pH levels. Sustains biological activity in water temperatures under 55°F. Refer to alternate image for Application Rates!
This is not a chemical. It is harmless to humans, animals, fish and plants. Microbe-Lift PL is the trade name of a natural bacteria found in a natural harmonious environment. Microbe-Lift PL is NOT a genetically engineered or altered bacteria.
Microbe-Lift PL will be effective in any of the following conditions: with or without light, low acidity to high acidity, with air or without air, low alkalinity to high alkalinity. It works completely effectively when used alone.
Made in the USA.
- 1
Air Pump Parts
Air Pumps & Accessories
Airline Connectors & Kits
Algicides & Algae Removers
Ammonia Removers
Apparel Boots & Shoes
Apparel Coats & Slickers
Apparel Sweaters & Pajamas
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Aquarium Gravel Standard
Backpacks & Life Jackets
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Beak Conditioners
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Breeding & Isolation Equipment
Brewers Yeast
Brushes & Shedding Tools
Bulbs Fluorescent
Bulbs Incandescent
Cage Accessories
Cage Carpets
Cage Covers & Seed Guards
Cages & Pens
Cages & Playpens
Carriers & Shipping Crates
Cat Food
Cat Treats
Chew Stop Aids
Chews & Licks
Chlorine & Chloramine Removers
Chokes Stainless Steel
Cleaners (Cage & Hand)
Cleaning Equipment
Cleaning Pads & Brushes
Climbing Items
Collar Other
Collars Leather & Latigo
Collars Nylon
Colognes & Odor Eliminators
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Combs Regular
Coral Specialty
Crates & Pens
Crushed Coral Standard
Cuddlers & Loungers
Cups & Waterers & Feeders
Dematting Rake
Dental & Breath Aids
Deodorizers & Cleansers
Dishes & Bowls
Dishes Crock Style
Dishes Plastic
Dishes Stainless Steel
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Ear & Eye Treatments
Exercise Equipment
Eye & Ear Treatments
Feeders Auto & Other
Filter & Bio Bags
Filter Bio-Media
Filter Carbon
Filter Cartridges
Filter Media
Filter Media & Material
Filter Pads
Filters & Media
Filters Canister (External)
Filters Canister (Internal)
Filters Corner & Sponge
Filters Power Filters
Filters Undergravel
Fish Feeders
Fish Food & Supplements
Fish Medications
Flea & Tick Carpet Powders
Flea & Tick Collars
Flea & Tick Dips
Flea & Tick Drops
Flea & Tick Foggers
Flea & Tick Shampoos
Flea & Tick Sprays & Powders
Flea & Tick Sprays & Powders & Wipes
Flea & Tick Yard Sprays
Flora & Moss
Food Scoops
Foods Canned
Foods Dry
Foods Flake (Goldfish)
Foods Flake (Tropical)
Foods Freeze Dried
Foods Liquid & Specialty
Foods Pelleted
Foods Plant
Foods Vacation & Time Release
Fountain Kits
FW & SW Testing & Reagents
Glass & Acrylic Aquariums
Gravel & Cage Paper
Gravel & Grit
Gravel Vacs
Grooming Aids
Harnesses Nylon Standard
Harnesses Pickup & Saftey
Health Aids
Health Care
Heat Emitters
Heaters Other
Heaters Standard
Heaters Submersible
Heating Rocks
Heating UTH
Hiding Places
Honey Sticks
Housebreaking Aids
Hummingbird Feeders
Hummingbird Nectars & Foods
Hydrometer & Thermometer
Insect Repellents
Ladders Wood
Leads & Harnesses
Leads Leather & Latigo
Leads Nylon
Leads Retractable
Leads Stainless Steel
Leads Web & Training
Lighting & Accessories
Lighting Fluorescent
Lighting Incandescent
Lighting LED
Litter Clumping
Litter Deodorizers & Additives
Litter Liners & Filters
Litter Pans
Litter Pans & Covers
Litter Scoops
Made in the USA Dog Treats
Medicated Lotions & Ointments
Medications FW & SW
Milk Replacers
Mineral Blocks
Miscellaneous Dog Items
Miscellaneous Fashion Wear
Miscellaneous Merchandise
Muzzles Wire & Nylon
Nail Trimmers & Files
Nesting Equipment
Nests Wicker & Stick & Other
Nets & Netting
Nursers & Bottles
Nutritional Supplements
Odor Control
Other Filter Parts
Perches Plastic & Other
Perches Wood
Plant Baskets
Plant Food
Plants Marine
Plants Standard
Plumbing Parts
Pond Liners
Posts Regular & Hanging
Power & Canister Filter Replacement Parts
Power Heads
Pumps Air
Pumps Water
Rawhide Bones & Chews
Reef Items
Reflectors & Domes
Repellents Indoor & Outdoor
Replacement Parts
Rinses & Coat Conditioners
Sand & Gravel
Sanitary Pants & Pads
Screen Covers
Sealants & Silicone
Security Gates Wood & Wire
Seed Bagged
Shampoos Medicated
Shampoos Regular
Small Pet Treats
Stain Removers
Starter Kits
Swings & Trees
Testing Equipment
Thermometers & Thermostats
Thermometers Digital
Thermometers Standard
Tieout Stakes & Cables
Toys & Play Products
Toys Catnip
Toys Gumabone
Toys Latex
Toys Nylabone
Toys Other
Toys Rope
Toys Rubber & Cressite
Toys Sheepskin
Toys Sheepskin & Cloth
Toys Vinyl
Training Equipment
Treats & Supplements
Treats Bulk
Treats Packaged
Tubing Flexible
Tubing Rigid
UV Sterilizers
UV Sterilizers & Parts
Valves Pipe & In-Line & Other
Vitamins & Trace Elements
Waste Pickup & Disposal
Water Bottles
Water Conditioners
Water Pump & Power Head Parts
Water Pumps
Water Solutions - Specialty & Pre-Mixed
Water Spitters
Water Treatments
Waterers & Feeders
Waterfall Kits
Whistles Silent & Other
Wildbird Feeders
Wildbird Foods
Wire Cages & Habitats
Wormers Liquid & Tablet