Hikari Ich-X Salt Water Ich Treatment - 16 oz

Hikari Ich-X Salt Water Ich Treatment

Ich-X Salt Water offers effective treatment of marine ich related issues with a non-staining formula that has been thoroughly tested in a number of marine environments.

  • Treats protozoan issues
  • Treats marine ich (Cryptocaryoniasis), marine velvet/gold dust (Amyloodinium)
  • Can treat certain metazoan issues
  • Controls common external fungal issues (saprolegniasis)
  • Ready to use and highly effective

Directions: To treat, dose one (1) teaspoon (~5 mL) of Ich-X SW to 10 gallons (38L) of actual water in the system. Care should be taken to avoid over-dosing and the addition of aeration during treatment is always helpful.

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